Weed Platoon Official

Usefull commands for  our Admins:

!kill (name)

!kick (name)

!tban  (name)  60         (new admins only for 60 min)


If you want to confirm type then  !yes

If you maked a mistake then type !no


Admins can’t use the !killme command anymore so use instead  !kill command on yourself.


Beside off this command we have a couple off command that are for everyone.


!squad  will show you how to give you’re squadlead or take the squadlead.


!rules  will show you the server rules.


!help  will show u all Usefull commands to use in our server.


!platoon  this command will show you a text : Welcome Join Our Platoon If You Want We Love To Have You Into The Weed Platoon Everyone Is Welcome!!


!donate this command will show you where to donate to our server.


!tsp     this command will show you our TeamSpeak address.

!weedkillserver (this will work only no kill server only )     

!weednokillserver   (this will only work on the kill server)       


this both commands will show the other server so in the kill if you use the command it will show the title of no kill server and ofcourse in the no kill the other way arround


So now go have fun. Any questions you can ask one off our admins 

Good luck you all  ;)


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